
Building Audiences for the Book in an Age of Media Proliferation

Appel à contributions pour le colloque By the Book3.
Dates du colloque : 23 et 24 juin 2016.
Lieu : Villa Finaly, Florence, Italie.

Propositions : environ 200 mots (avant le 15 décembre).

By the Book3 rassemble des chercheurs du domaine du livre et de l’édition, aux côtés des professionnels de l’industrie, pour examiner les questions clés qui concernent la transformation numérique. Il s’agit d’un lieu d’échanges consacré à l’évolution d’un vaste domaine de recherche qui s’étend de l’histoire à l’économie du livre.


If we examine global book production over the last 70 years, there is a clear discrepancy between the growth in population, the number of titles published, and the number of books sold and lent. Between 1940 and 2011, the population of the world grew by 366 per cent and annual global title production by more than 1,000 per cent ; yet between 1954 and 2011 the number of books sold each year increased by only 35 per cent. These numbers clearly indicate that the number of book producers and authors was growing much faster than the time and money devoted to book buying and reading.
At the same time there has been a fragmentation of audiences across a range of digital media and devices, which is challenging traditional media from newspapers and books to television. The divergent trends in book production and consumption pose a set of pressing questions :

  • The economy of publishing
  • Marketing
  • Stakeholders
  • Skills for the publishing industry

Papers for submission to the conference should be sent by 15 December 2015

Conference accomodation

The fee for attendance at By the Book3 or the presentation of a paper (given it is accepted) is 200 euros.
There will be some accommodation available at the conference venue, the Villa Finaly, but equally delegates are free to make their own arrangements in the city.
Delegates are responsible for their own travel arrangments.

/ Crédit photographique : © Collection BIU Santé Médecine, Medic@
/ Source de l’information : Oxford International Center for Publishing Studies

Pour en savoir plus

/ Consulter le site du Oxford International Center for Publishing Studies
/ Télécharger ici l’appel à contributions.pdf
/ Consulter le site de ’Edition 2015 : By The Book 2
/ Et aussi, pour suivre l’actualité de la Villa Finaly
/ Contact : miha.kovac(a)